9 AM is way to late for birding, esp in sunny conditions, but anyway having absolutely nothing to do, i still decided to head to Hebbal Lake, which happens to be pretty close to my place. Entered the place and made a pretty decent image of a Brahminy Kite with catch, had just a sec to frame this shot, manually focused.
Brahminy Kite
W walking around when a bunch of school kids shouted 'KINGFISHER', before i reached the spot an entire group had gathered there and chased the bird off. Bad Luck!!
Spotted a lot of Purple Moorhens, but them being very skittish, i could hardly click a good pic of them. Saw a few Green Bee-eaters(a first time for me at Hebbal Lake). Spotted a few MArsh Harriers, but couldn't photograph them.
Purple Moorhen
Got a message from both the Vinays(Vinay V. & Vinay L.), saying that they also were heading to the lake. Spotted a pair of black birds. Vinay L., with his binoculars was quick to identify them as Bronze-winged Jacanas. Got only a record shot of it.
Bronze-winged JacanaLoved one of the bee-eater pics, thanks Vinay for pointing this one out.
Green Bee-eaterClicked a Purple Heron, uploading it just to add one more to the species list. :D Also liked the Squirrel with a baby in its mouth pic.
Purple Heron
Indian Palm SquirrelAll images shot with Canon EOS 1D Mk II on Av mode and Sigma 135-400mm DG APO Hand-held and manually focused.
All Images are Copyrighted Angad Achappa and may not be used in any form,website or print media without written permission of the Photographer. For any inquiry for the photographs please contact: angadachappaphotography@hotmail.com