Canon EOS 20D + Sigma 135-400mm
Location: Bangalore, India
A little info about the Tawny Eagle from Wiki:Length: 62–72 cm
Wingspan: 165–185 cm
Weight: 1.6–2.4 kg
The Tawny Eagle's diet is largely fresh carrion of all kinds, but it will kill small mammals up to the size of a rabbit, reptiles and birds up to the size of guineafowl. It will also steal food from other raptors.
The call of the Tawny Eagle is a crow-like barking, but it is rather a silent bird except in display.
All Images are Copyrighted Angad Achappa and may not be used in any form,website or print media without written permission of the Photographer. For any inquiry for the photographs please contact: angadachappaphotography@hotmail.com